Gender Pay Gap


The snapshot date of 5th April 2020 represents a very unsettled time for many industries as  most countries around the world had entered national lockdowns due to the coronavirus  pandemic. The travel industry was critically impacted by the lockdowns which resulted in the  sector almost wholly shutting down during this period.

On the snapshot date of 5th April 2020, we employed 363 relevant employees. Of these, 222 (61.2%) were women and 141 (38.8%) were men. However, none could be classified as full pay relevant employees as they were either furloughed or on short time working at that date.  No reporting of hourly pay gap statistics has therefore been made as this was not required  and it was felt that due to the exceptional circumstances, a fair analysis could not be made. We have, as required, reported bonus pay gap findings based on bonuses paid in the 12  months up to 5th April 2020 for all relevant employees at the snapshot date.

Compared to our last report, our mean gender pay gap for bonuses has decreased by 1.6% and median gender pay gap for bonuses has increased by 2.6%. The differences reflect the  larger number of women employed in the business and their greater distribution across all  pay quartiles. Of those receiving a bonus, 8.3% more females than males received a bonus  during the relevant pay period: in our previous report 4% less women than men had received  a bonus.




Women’s Bonus

  • Mean: 16% lower
  • Median: 14% lower

Percentage receiving a bonus

  • Men: 85.8%
  • Women: 94.1%










The impact of the coronavirus pandemic remains a significant challenge which is currently the  main focus of the business. As part of this, we remain committed to reducing our gender pay  gap by encouraging and supporting women in junior positions to develop themselves in both  their area of expertise and as managers, so that they may progress to more senior levels.

The figures set out above have been calculated using the standard methodology set out in the  Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information Regulations 2017).

I confirm the data reported is accurate.

Ray Lau

Managing Director, Miki Travel Ltd